European Bamboo Expo
Speakers schedule

Speakers schedule

Calling All Bamboo Innovators to Join!

Are you a passionate leader in the bamboo industry with a groundbreaking idea to share? We’re looking for a diverse range of speakers to highlight the potential of bamboo across various sectors. Currently, there is only 1 speaker slot remaining for the European Bamboo Expo 2025, and we’re eager to hear from you!

If you’d like to be considered for the 2025 speaker program, please submit your proposal via email to

2025 Speakers list

Dr. Bernhard Hauke((Structural Engineer and Journalist):): “Bamboo & the Future of Construction in Europe”

Panel discussion Led by Dr. Bernhard Hauke
“Bamboo Goes Timber: Next Steps – The Role of Bamboo in Construction”


M.Sc. Pascal Franck Master of Science M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Engel

Hendrik Alsmann
Construction Manager

More panel participants to be announced soon.

Dr. Johan Gielis: “The Future of WBO: Overcoming Challenges in Organizing, Summarizing, and Interpreting Bamboo Information”

Casper de Nooijer (CEO Bamboo Import Europe): “Bamboo the New Wood”

Yannic Windeln

Yannic Windeln (PhD student at University of Applied Sciences Aachen): “Enabling the Industrial Application of Full Culm Bamboo”

Co-Presenting: David Bunse (PhD student at University of Applied Sciences Aachen)

M.Sc. Pascal Franck (Master of Science M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering): “Mechanical Comparison of Bamboo and Wood, and Teaching Approaches to Enhance Understanding of Bamboo Construction”

Musse Tesfaye Gebre (Value Chain Development Officer): “The Value of FSC Certification: Building Ethical Bamboo Supply Chains & Empowering Smallholders”

Roman Kreuzer, (Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Konstanz): “Design-Build-Redesign: The chance for Bamboo Architecture in Europe”

Co-Presenting: João Heep, CEO Changelis NGO

Special Networking Event

7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Networking in a relaxed atmosphere.

9:30 pm – 10:30 pm
DJ Set in an upbeat mood.

Hans Friederich (World Bamboo Ambassador): “Building the Future: Addressing the Need for a Unified European Bamboo Organization”

Panel discussion Led by Hans Friederich, World Bamboo Ambassador
“European Bamboo Plantations: Unlocking Potential, Addressing Challenges”


Carlos Ruiz-Garvia, Climate Adaptation/Resilience @ UN Climate Change

Camille Rebelo, COO & Co-founder Ecoplanet Bamboo

Kjell Tahon, Co-owner at Bamboologic

More panel participants to be announced soon.

Camille Rebelo (COO & Co-founder Ecoplanet Bamboo): “EcoPlanet Bamboo: Disrupting Global Supply Chains through Bamboo BioEconomies”

Sundar Bharadwaj (CEO TERRAGRN): “Can Bamboo be a game-changer to decarbonise mature industries?”

Carlos Ruiz-Garvia (Climate Adaptation/Resilience @ UN Climate Change | Adaptation Division): ”Unlocking opportunities for Bamboo-based solutions in national climate policy”

Kien Khuc (Business development director at Green Future): “Towards a greener future through the bamboo value chain”

Jan Detavernier (Artist & Industrial Design Engineer) : “Connect. The Nature of Bamboo”

Hendrik Alsmann (Construction Manager ): “Developing a socioeconomic bamboo project in the Philippines”

(Recorded Message – 10 minutes)

Navya Singh (Climate Action Journalist, Founder- News With Navya): “Global Bamboo Growth: India’s Role & the European Bamboo Expo 2025”

Juan Pablo M. / Juan Bambu (CEO Wububamboo): “Unveiling the World’s Most Efficient & Cost-Effective Bamboo Curing System”

Jonathan Cilimba (Chairman OYAK): “Socioeconomic Impact of Bamboo Projects in Guatemala”

Co-Presenting: Elisabeth Evers (Civil Engineer, Graduate of the University of Münster)

Iraklis Kalamenios (CEO Weproductions): “Closing words, announcing the European Bamboo Expo 2026”