Vivai OnlyMoso di Fabrizio Pecci, Italian Bamboo Consortium
Vivai OnlyMoso di Fabrizio Pecci, Italian Bamboo Consortium

Vivai OnlyMoso di Fabrizio Pecci, Italian Bamboo Consortium

“Italian Bamboo Consortium”


Italian Bamboo Consortium – a functioning business model, impact on the labor market, on society, on the awareness of the people who come into contact with it, on the economic feasibility and with a future perspective.

The Bambù Italia Consortium was founded in 2014, at the behest of Dr. Fabrizio Pecci (today President of the Consortium), to protect the interests of all members of the bamboo supply chain, from the producer to the final consumer: it was the first reality to introduce the cultivation of Giant Bamboo for Commercial, Industrial and Environmental Remediation purposes, in Italy and Europe.

The words of our President: “For work, I traveled to the East for years and I immediately realized the enormous potential of Bamboo: the plant with 1000 uses. So I decided to deepen my knowledge: I met the greatest world experts (including Prof. Tan of the Chinese University of Kunming who deals with the Propagation and Management of Bamboo plantations, becoming my private consultant), I studied this cultivation, in order to be able to export it in the Italian and European climate and soils.

2014 arrived and I decided to leave: I created the CONSORZIO BAMBU’ ITALIA and the ONLYMOSO PROJECT (to date the largest reality in the European panorama for the protection of the interests of all those belonging to the bamboo supply chain which today has over 1000 farmers contracted with about 2000 hectares of plants throughout Italy and crops already started in France, Portugal, Albania).

Also in the same year I created the FIRST ITALIAN NURSERY, to date the largest nursery in Europe for the production of mother plants of Moso, Tropical and Nano Bamboo (KonsolidOM): 20 hectares in Faenza (Italy) where we constantly study agricultural practices most suitable for the correct management of bamboo groves.

From the beginning I wanted to create a group, which has now become a solid company, which would become the largest agro-industrial reality in the country, capable of creating new jobs through innovative markets that guarantee the economic growth of families and a new education based on respect for our children and their future”.

The group also includes CBI spa with headquarters in Italy, in Tavullia (PU), dedicated to the enhancement and marketing of bamboo in the Italian food and non-food market. The CBI guarantees the collection of agricultural products (shoots and canes) from the OnlyMoso bamboo groves, sells shoots and canes under the OnlyMoso brand, ensuring the made in Italy bamboo supply chain, establishes contacts with the most advanced industrial realities in the various sectors of interest (feed, textile , agro-food etc.), generates and markets BambooPro Environmental Projects”.

In addition to Italy, the Consortium is expanding in Europe, there are already numerous bamboo groves built in other countries, such as in France with 150 hectares, in Albania with 10 hectares and other countries where negotiations and projects are starting.

The experiments that are being carried out concern various sectors of use, including:

– The building sector, with an important work that we are carrying out with the Milan Polytechnic which is studying the applications of Bamboo in this field;

– The feed sector, where we conducted a study which demonstrated the great properties of bamboo for this use;

– The cellulose sector, another large market for us given the enormous amount of cellulose imported from abroad;

– The environmental Sector, intended as the application of Bamboo to combat hydrogeological instability and for the retention and chelation of heavy metals;

– The Sector for the fight against CO2, with the BambooPro project.